Take time off

Tracy Bullock
4 min readDec 20, 2021

Who cares if it is your Holiday?

Why is it hard?

I’ve written a good deal about the challenge of relaxing. Selfish as one can be in times of challenge, I neglected to do THE MOST important thing and ask: How is it for you?

What is your knee jerk to time off?

Do you sound a “Thank GOD” or resound with an “OK” that hides an “oh, no!” somewhere behind it?

Is there a mixology of the two?

Or — and here is a fun one -does the practice sound fantastic and become paralyzing a few days in?

Where do I fall? Well, all apply…depending.

This year I am at a crossroads at every byway and so time off comes laced with fear and welcomed with the relief of relaxation dehydration, as well as a light topping of healthy avoidance of just those things I am breaking from.

Picking up on last week’s theme of Joy and thinking in investment towards what brings us pleasure as evolving towards, just that, evolution and growth. Growth gathers responsibility as fast as it does wisdom, and both are heavy bags to carry. This can lead to feeling heavier with fatigue and the various types of obligations and learnings we collect.



Tracy Bullock

Career Coach & Inspiration Instigator. Simplicity we provide. Dreams we deliver. Weekly Deals & Dispatches: https://bit.ly/3dUbcsa https://linktr.ee/sdyd_2020